Please complete the appropriate online form linked below. After reviewing your request, we will contact you with an estimated cost for the research.
Services and Fees:
- To submit a research request, complete the appropriate form and hit submit. Staff will contact you upon receipt of the request to gather any additional details and to take payment.
- Your request may take several weeks to complete, the staff member will strive to provide a time estimate.
- Deposit must be received before the research can begin. Full payment must be received before materials are emailed or sent. Fees apply whether you submit a research request by this form, mail/email, or in person. Proceeds received from research fees help defray the costs associated with maintaining the Museum’s archival and library collections.
- Material is for personal reference use only. Requests for publishing material should be made in writing to the Antique Boat Museum Library and Archives. The user of this material assumes all responsibility for issues of copyright and for securing copyright clearance.
- Proceeds received from research fees help defray the costs associated with maintaining the Museum’s library and archival collections.
Fee Schedule:
- Checks should be made payable to Antique Boat Museum, Library and Archives and be sent to 750 Mary St., Clayton, NY 13624. Payment by credit card is accepted by phone only, for your security.
- General Research Request: $30/hour members | $50/hour non-members
- Gar Wood Production Verification Certificate: $50 for a digital copy only. A printed copy is an additional $10, shipping included.
- Matthews Boat Owners Association Collection: $50 for a digital copy only. Printed copy prices are decided case by case.
- If you have questions regarding research fees, please call or email the Office of the Curator at or 315.686.4104 ext. 231.
- For high quality image reproduction please contact the library for price.